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Some of our racing history:
6 Time SSRA Pro Stock Grass Drag Champions
2011 SSRA 600cc Heavy Mod Ice Drag Champions
2012 SSRA 600cc Pro Sno Snow Drag Champions
2017-2018-2019-2020-2022 SSRA Classic Super Stock Snow Drag Champions
2018-2019-2020-2022 Classic Super Stock Western Canadian Champions
2020 SSRA Open Stock, Open Improved, & Mountain Improved Champions
2020 Western Canadian Open Stock, Open Improved, & Mountain Improved Champions
2022 Western Canadian Open Stock, Open Improved, & Mountain Open Champions
2022 SSRA Open Improved, ProSno 1000, Open Mod 1000, Mountain Open, Outlaw and High Points Champions
2023 SSRA Mountain Open, Open Pro Stock, and Outlaw Points Champions

Maxceleration Racing is a snowmobile performance parts dealer and drag racing team based in Calgary, Alberta. It is owned and operated by Mike LaValley, who is in his third decade of competitive racing. Over the years, we have won championships on snow, ice and grass, having raced and won in every province in Western Canada.
In the past we have competed in almost every class in the sport from vintage to King of the Snow (now called Outlaw). While the team has always been competitive, results improved dramatically when we began to design our own engine modifications. All engine porting and head design on our two stroke sleds was executed by Maxceleration Racing with the assistance of several engine and pipe design computer software programs. While we have moved away from 2-stroke engine work, we now offer performance parts for for snowmobiles and are an official dealer for Hurricane Performance parts and accessories.
Currently our racing focus is on our turbo-charged Yamaha Sidewinders and Arctic Cat King Cat. Our back-to-back Western Canadian Championship sleds were powered by Hurricane Performance parts and tunes.
Please note: We have no retail store-front. We operate through web based mail order. However, feel free to contact us and draw on our experience of winning performance for your sled.